Monthly Archives: April 2017

Finding love when you’re over 50 it’s a different kettle of fish!

Finding love when you’re over 50 it’s a different kettle of fish!

When you’re young you go out, you embrace and enjoy life. You find someone you fancy or even lust over, you’re not afraid to take a chance and even if you’re knocked back you bounce back up and carry on with life. When you’re young you are fearless! Okay so each persons sense of fearlessness will differ because we’re not all the same but I’m sure that each of us looks back knowing that things we would do or attempt to do when we were younger, seem alien to us now!

What happens to us in the intervening years? As we get older our zest for life and fearlessness seems to diminish? Has life really been that cruel to us? Is it because we’ve felt the pain that relationship break ups cause? Do we think rejection is failure? Do we suddenly become more self-consciousness about the way we look or what others think of us?

For me its kind of a bit of all of the above in a way! I’ve been on my own now for almost twenty years! “Get back into the driving seat” people say and all the while I’m thinking, driving seat? “I wasn’t good the first time round in the driving seat and in the last 20 years I’ve lost the manual!” I find myself in need of a set of instructions! In some ways climbing Mount Snowden would seem an easier challenge right now and it was bloody hard the first time and that was over thirty years ago!

Being over 50 seems to be no longer about finding someone you fancy and if you do you probably have even more to worry about because how the hell do you start by letting a complete stranger know that you fancy them? I currently have this dilemma and I have no idea where to start? If I use the same approach I would have used in my twenties he might think of me as some nut and steer clear!

My Nan used to say that looks aren’t everything as long as you get butterflies when you see someone, that you have laughter and some of the same interests, enough to be compatible but others that are different because it gives you things to talk about. She was a wise woman and I miss not having her here to talk to.

My children encourage me to find someone, my family and close friends are behind me supporting me as they always are but it’s a fact that finding love when you’re over 50 it’s a different kettle of fish!

Good luck in your quest to find love! There are people who successfully find love when they’re over 50 so I know it’s not an impossible dream and I remain hopeful!