Monthly Archives: November 2013

Charity is it about you or is it about those you help?

What does being charitable really mean? Is it putting money into a collection tin? Is it doing something publicly to raise money or gain personal recognition? Or is it about doing something because you genuinely believe helping others even if what you do is portrayed negatively?

Some people actually view helping negatively? Imagine someone spending hours over and above doing things for others? What about those who do that and then those they help say thank you to forever walk away? What about those you help who never support you?

There are lots of individuals who are helping others while their contribution either goes unrecognized or even worse portrayed by some in a negative way ! I find that difficult, surely whatever you do for another with good intentions is positive?

Everyone has the capacity to give to others, although how much will depend on their own lives. It’s unreasonable to expect everyone to give in the same way. What’s important is that we give our time, our money and our care for the right reasons because charity is not about you, its about those we can help.

As a charity Manager what drives me is the ability to give my time and support to others in giving theirs. I am always inspired by seeing the smiles on the faces of those who’ve been helped, supported and encouraged. What if they walk away after? It’s not important because that would make my work about me and not them.

Many times I’ve known people talk about those who get recognized for helping others or those with a high profile in the community  saying “I’m not recognized” and I find myself thinking is the help about you or is it about helping others.

Those working within the charity sector don’t have it easy but then life is getting harder. Society and the way we live has changed.  In times past helping others was a cornerstone of every community. However, work, family life, modern day pressures like finances, etc have all contributed over time to change the way help, encouragement and support is given.

Charity is not about you but it is about those we help, well for me it is !

Seeing negativity as something positive !

How on earth can negativity be seen as something positive?

At times in life, we all we seem to be battling negativity and it can get in the way of us reaching our goal, if we let it. We forget that we are responsible for our choices, so we should choose and make sure that the negativity of others, doesn’t hold us back. I know it’s easier said than done because the negativity of others can personally hurt. However, once we’ve ‘dusted ourselves off‘ we have to remain focused.

A friend reminded me recently about some of our greatest role models, those mentioned Ghandi, Nelson Mandala, Florence Nightingale and many more, even Jesus, had negativity of gargantuan proportions to overcome.  Each one had those who put them down, fought against them and campaigned against them. There were those who tried to persuade people not to follow their example. Did it put them off? Did it in the end put anyone off following their example? Imagine if each one had given up and let the negativity of others, stop them?

What each one had was the belief that how they lived and who they were, was the most important thing. They were all true and honest and they’ve inspired generations of people and changed lives. All the  negativity had the effect of raising their profile, meaning more people knew about them and more people respected them. Each one has left a lasting legacy behind and each one hasn’t been forgotten.

So, the next time you are on the receiving end of another’s negativity, smile and say thank you because they’re helping raise your profile. In the end our actions and honesty will be our lasting legacy. By being true to and honest with ourselves we can learn to see negativity as something positive !

When the obvious is staring right at you but you don’t see it or maybe don’t want to see it !!!

Over the last few years I’ve found myself learning more about people. Perhaps its an age thing or maybe it’s just a case of being more aware?

What I’ve learnt is that too many people are blinkered, they either don’t see they are or don’t want to see they are. They follow a path because everyone else is and in doing so fail to see the wider picture of what’s important. Is this why businesses and organisations fail? Is it that those leading are not thinking strategically? Could it be they are so narrow focused that collaboration is way out of their thinking?

Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you that thinking strategically, being able to focus wider and embracing collaboration are some of the key ingredients to success.

It reminds me of Dragons Den on the TV. People go to pitch their business idea and get the ‘Dragons’ to ‘buy into their business’. How often do the Dragons offer them less money for a bigger share? I’ve noticed that those who accept, go on to make a huge success. Could it be they realize the benefits of the ‘Dragons’ experience and collaboration. They are certainly seeing the obvious staring at them !

Far too often I’ve heard people make comments about a business, a product or an individual based on what someone else has said rather than their own opinion. The obvious is always staring right at them but either they don’t see it or maybe don’t want to see it !

Whilst out with a colleague for lunch, I overheard a conversation, where two individuals   were discussing a local business. During the course of the conversation each relayed certain facts about the business, some were really unpleasant and I was a bit shocked at what I was hearing. However, one thing did strike me as rather odd! It seemed that while they could agree on many negative comments, the business concerned had recently received some high level endorsements. I found myself wanting to ask these two, how they could have possibly, arrived at their negative conclusions based on that? How on one hand can any organisation get endorsements and at the same time be rubbish or provide an unsatisfactory service? It’s impossible and those two individuals needed to have a serious word with themselves because for me the obvious was staring right at them both but they either didn’t see it or maybe didn’t want to see it ! Were these two people just repeating what others had said, rather than seeing the obvious or was it jealousy?

Years ago I remember a situation where people were commenting on an organisations policies and accounts, raising all sorts of issues. The funny thing was, they weren’t and never had been involved with the organisation or had anything to do with the finances. Yet here they were, speaking in what seemed to be an authoritative form about the subject. What was even more unbelievable was there were people willing to believe them ! For me the obvious was staring right at them but they either didn’t see it or maybe didn’t want to see it ! They were in no position to comment about anything.

So when the obvious is staring right at you make sure you see it and when you do success will follow, because if you fail to see it you fail.