Category Archives: Business

Is your mentor in life a ‘Folly’?

Is that an odd question?

A mentor is ‘an experienced and trusted adviser’ someone who’s been there and worn the t-shirt, someone who’s made the mistakes, someone with knowledge.

So why ask the question is your mentor a ‘Folly’?

In architecture, a folly is a building constructed primarily for decoration, or suggests through its appearance some other purpose, or merely appearing to be so extravagant that it transcends the normal range of garden ornaments or the class of building to which it belongs. A ‘folly’ isn’t real! It looks good, it seems good but look behind the façade and there’s pretty much nothing there.

In all areas of our lives you’ll find that you might need a mentor, I know this has been true for me and I’ve been lucky because I’ve learnt lessons from all of them. For the support of a mentor to be successful you need trust, after all you need their help and support and you’re going to be honest with them and in return you’ll want them to be honest. Trust isn’t something that happens overnight, if it does then the relationship is a folly! Trust is built up over a long and sustained period of time. After all, if someone treats others in a way we’re not comfortable, chances are at some point they’ll behave the same way to us. Therefore, none of us should ever make such important life decisions on face value; many do and live to regret it later.

Just because someone says they are who they are or they’ve done what they’ve done doesn’t mean they have. Anyone can say, I’ve done this or I’ve achieved that, the question is can they prove what they say is tangible? Whenever, I work with anyone, I tell them to Google me and I tell them that if they require more evidence then all they need to do is ask and I can provide it.

I’ve been lucky to have some great business mentors and walking alongside others I’ve come to realise that this is one area where it’s vital to have a mentor you trust. Those in business will understand that your business is your life. They are something that’s been built from the foundations up, something that’s been nurtured. Our business is also something where we’ve spent hours getting our structure right, planning, working out our goals and objectives, writing our Business Plans, getting our communication strategy in order – and that’s just the basics and fundamentals!

Nothing in a successful business happens by chance or because you and someone else thought it was a good idea at the time. Business success happens when you love what you do, when you have passion and when you make the fundamentals your priority and ensure that those are firmly in place. We mustn’t forget that just like anything else in life businesses require hard work.

I’ve come across people who seem to have flitted from one business venture to another with none actually being successful. Business like other areas of life can sometimes need trial and error and of course there is no negative in this. However, for a few this behaviour becomes a pattern with them never sticking at anything for too long?

Therefore, having the right mentor/s is important and “leaving things to chance” shouldn’t be an option. After all no-one in their right mind would let someone working on push bikes fix your car! You might let a vet deliver a baby but the vet’s profession is with animals not people, so ensuring that your mentor clearly understands the part they can play is important. Throughout life we will all have different mentors for different tasks and at different times.

Liking someone as a mentor is good too but respecting someone is better! Do you have to like someone to respect them? Do you have to be friends with someone you respect? Quite simply no! Having respect for your mentor is vital, liking them is not. The important thing is to be able to find a way of having a cohesive working relationship with your mentor but this is different from a friendship! You must be able to challenge your mentor and ask them questions and be satisfied with their answer.

I’ve often referred to being in business as a journey. This is true; we start at point A planning a route to get to point M. There are too many businesses that never get to M. Having someone sit with you sharing ideas is doing just that this isn’t mentoring! A good mentor will go further by showing you exactly what you need to do to get there and they may even give you a checklist of steps to help keep you on track. The best mentors will understand that planning is essential The destination you’re aiming for in life is only possible with a clear plan (that takes other factors into account, in case the route needs to change or you encounter an issue ‘on the road’) and hard focused work. Anyone who doesn’t plan and lives by the moment may not be the best mentor! Those we take on our life journey (especially our business journey) shouldn’t be passengers just along for the ride!

When choosing a business mentor be sure that you speak to others and make sure that their influence on that person’s business is tangible and quantifiable. You will need to be able to quantify – make sure you can say – “********* my business mentor is great because they have helped my business/me by …….” then quantify this with something tangible and give examples that demonstrate this. Be 100% sure that your business mentor can talk the talk, do the walk and can prove who they are and what they’ve done!

Above all ensure that your mentor is real and ask yourself is my mentor a ‘Folly’?

“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already…” -J.K. Rowling

“We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already…”

As I look around it’s clear to see that the countdown to Christmas has begun. Growing up I loved watching the Christmas Films, my all time favourite being A Christmas Carol. I think this film, my family and growing up in Cardiff made me realise at a young age that there are those in need. I’d often be Christmas shopping and we’d pass by someone who was homeless and it affected me. It still does and today I realise and understand even more.

Only recently on a trip home to Cardiff I passed someone homeless. I bought them a coffee and some food. You’d have thought I’d have given them the lottery winnings. However, need does not stay with the those who are homeless. For a huge number of people Christmas isn’t a time of happiness. We all have the power just like Scrooge to change because “we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already …”

Working at HEALS I seem to spend half my time crying or feeling frustrated (especially when I know I could help but am unable due to resources) and the rest happy knowing that in some small way a difference has been made.

A long time ago a wonderful gift arrived that first Christmas, one that gave humanity a yard stick to follow. As we all move towards Christmas let’s think of those who need help, let’s all do what we can no matter how big or small. We can all make a difference and we should remember that Christmas is about reaching out, it’s about sharing and it’s about love and remember no matter how hard things look, “we do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already…”

Merry Christmas to one and all.

Those we fail today, we continue to fail time and time again!

Those we fail today, we continue to fail time and time again!

In the course of my work it never ceases to amaze me how we as society have and continue to fail others! We don’t seem to see it or are we choosing not to? On the outside we portray a society that cares, a society that accepts everyone ~ yet I see a different side of the coin!

Let me tell you about Dylan (named changed).

Some time ago I went to the jobcentre with someone I was supporting. On arrival I was aware of Dylan, he was shouting asking for help to fill in a form. Time and time again Dylan went to the desk to ask or help in completing a form so he could apply for money. Time and time again he was told that no-one could help him. Staff told him to go and call the advice line. Dylan tried to explain (in his own unique way) that he’d spent the two hours a day for the past two days on the phone getting nowhere! He wasn’t believed and the Jobcentre staff asked him to leave, the security guard was at the ready too!

What they saw was an angry young man, a nuisance, someone they could do without!

What I saw was someone desperate for help, someone trying to get their message across ~ should I offer my help was a question I didn’t have to answer, I knew already I would! I made a ‘deal’ that once I’d finished what I came to do, I’d sit down and help him with the form. The smile on Dylan’s face and the look of gratefulness in his eyes said everything.

He kept to his word and so did I!

Whilst filling in the form I realised that this wasn’t just a form filling situation, it was about much more.

Dylan was someone who’d been failed his whole life! His learning disability had failed to be recognised at school, except it had been but he had no clear diagnosis (label) and without this he and his family had failed to get the support they needed. Did Dylan’s disability go undiagnosed because of lack of money or was it he was deemed not worth investing in? I realised this was a young man who’s gone through the system failing at every step, thinking it was him when all the time it wasn’t! What cut through me was when Dylan said that dying seemed his best option! I tell you how I didn’t cry there and then! I knew that I had to do everything in my power to change this even if it meant more work, Dylan was far too important!

I stopped the form filling and arranged for him to come and see me as he didn’t have any money himself (because he hadn’t been paid benefits, because he couldn’t fill in the form), I gave him the money from my own pocket.

Since that first meeting I’ve got to know Dylan and what a great young man he is! He has a strong work ethic, he really wants to do something and be somebody. His issues have gone far beyond form filling or his undiagnosed disability, there’s debt, a feeling of worthlessness, the list seemed endless ~ if I felt this was it any wonder he felt as he did?

Overtime we’re putting his life puzzle together, it’s going to take a while and we’re both in it for the long haul but working together, we’ll make the changes we need to ensure that Dylan’s future is much brighter than his past.

At our last meeting Dylan and I cried tears of sorrow and laughter and he told me that he now feels lucky he met me that day because his life is changing, he doesn’t feel alone anymore! He said he now wants to live! That for me means everything and says it all! It’s exactly the reason why I do what I do everyday!

Things could have turned differently that day had Dylan and I not met. It’s likely he’d have been removed from the jobcentre, arrested, his form would have remained uncompleted, he’d have no money and would have continued in the spiral of being failed! Thankfully, we did meet and HEALS is able to help him and failure is now part of Dylan’s past.

Our next huge challenge is to try and get a diagnosis. Unfortunately, because Dylan is an adult, some of the tests he could have had done on the NHS or by experts as a child (under 16)are no longer available and cost. I’ve managed to persuade two of the top UK Specialists to see Dylan for £1,350 instead of their usual £3,000 fee. Of course they’ll be accommodation and travel on cost bringing it to just under £2,000.

He shouldn’t have to pay! I can hear you say. You’re right he shouldn’t but he does because Dylan has been failed and I for one have no intention of failing him anymore. How and where to find the money is my challenge but I face it with passion and determination!

Dylan has so to offer and I plan to give him his dream of being someone and he’s going to help and inspire others and show them that where you start out in life doesn’t determine where we end our journey! And he’ll show them that disability is no obstacle!

Dylan is just one example, I’m helping more like him everyday, all needing assessments costing between £350 and £1,500 each and everyone just as deserving.

Those we fail today, we continue to fail time and time again ~ except on my watch!

If you would like to help please donate via:

Name has been changed to protect identity.

“If you love a book you tend not to follow it’s surface value, you follow the other things in it” ~ Danny Boyle

“If you love a book you tend not to follow it’s surface value, you follow the other things in it” ~ Danny Boyle

This is true many times friends have said you should read this book, they’ve outlined the contents and if I’ve been interested I’ve asked to borrow it, gone to the library or bought a copy. In other aspects of life we use the same approach. If someone says they’ve had a great service at a restaurant it’s likely you’ll go, if someone likes the quality of goods at a shop you’ll probably take a look, the list of examples goes on.

So why is it that with people we tend to make a judgement on the surface? People are about more than the external packaging. Vincent D’Oriofrio says “it’s pretty simple, pretty obvious: that people’s first impressions of people are really a big mistake.” Just like a book we should be looking beneath that cover! “When people rely on surface appearances alone and use society’s stereotypes then they lose their ability to assess and understand people accurately. Had they looked beyond the service they may have been surprised and in some cases averted negative situations.

I know and work with lots of people in business and while I don’t hide any of the things I’ve done in my life and whatever I’ve done can be found on Google, I’m amazed that so many have absolutely no idea of my experience, knowledge or qualifications. Are they seeing society’s stereotypes? Are they just seeing the lady who heads HEALS (Help Empowerment And Local Support)?

I wonder what they’d think if they looked beyond the surface? There’s much more to me than they choose to see! I’ve worked in retail management, I’m a qualified adult educator and have taught on a range of subjects, I’ve been a non-executive Director of three organisations and was Vice Chair of a national UK organisation. I’ve been an Audit Commission Inspector, a publican, a sub-postmistress and I’ve given presentations to audiences of over 500 people!

As Jim Brown said “I’m not interested in trying to work on people’s perceptions. I am who I am and if you don’t take the time to learn about that, then your perception is going to be your problem.” It’s interesting that to some degree I’ve been overlooked while others have been put centre stage yet it’s these people’s actions who’ve proved to be false and it’s been their actions that were detrimental. On another level my ideas are recognised and so I’m left bemused.

What can I do to help people understand me? I can change my approach, I can change the outside appearance, I can talk about things in my life other than HEALS but no matter what I do if people are not prepared to listen, it doesn’t change. Believing in yourself, having integrity and holding to your values will always get you through, in business and life!

Looking beyond the surface with people is important in business because you’re trusting others with your brand. If you trust the wrong person you put everything you’ve worked for and your brand at risk. Developing relationships and trust is vital. Perhaps we should all reflect and think about the people in our working lives just like a book. As Danny Boyle says “if you love a book you tend not to follow it’s surface value, you follow the other things in it” because when we do then the doors to success in life can really begin.

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more then you are a leader ~ John Quincy Adams

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more then you are a leader.

“It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the frontline when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is a man many today look to as an example of a great leader, in years to come generations will read his story in the history books and aspire to be like him. Like many other great leaders he’s left a lasting legacy.

In my many years of working in a range of industries I’ve come across managers with differing approaches. There have been those who’ve been dictatorial with no room for negotiation, discussion and neither did they allow creativity. They always sought to have the last word. There have been those who ‘managed‘ in name only! Although it said Manager on their badge, the staff pretty much did what they wanted to and chaos and disrution would follow or those less senior would have to step in and complete work that wasn’t their responsibility because the manager wasn’t doing their job! A few have been examples of excellent managers and leaders.

I remember the first manager I worked with around thirty years ago – Mrs Myers. Now here was a great manager! I was working in one of British Shoe Corporation’s shoe shops in Cardiff. Mrs Myers was approachable, firm when she had to be but she encouraged all her staff to be the best they could. I learnt so much from her. Many of her staff went on to lead successful lives either in manangement, business or other areas. I remember one instance when a new member of staff was struggling with reaching her sales target for that day. I had exceeded mine and Mrs Myers quietly asked me to give my next sales to this team member. She also added sales and that month everyone got a bonus! We all learnt that day that thinking of each other and working as a team helped everyone. In all my working life I haven’t forgotten Mrs Myers.

Is there a difference between management and leadership?

Peter Drucker ~ “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right thing.”

Empowering your team is one of the greatest strengths of a leader and it’s the one thing so many get wrong or misjudge. “When the best leaders work is done the people say, we did it ourselves” ~ Lao Tzu

Over the years I’ve mentored a number of people and I’ve witnessed what they’ve achieved. Most have become and are still good friends and even today years later, we still talk about our early days of working together. Seeing them succeed in their lives is something words can’t describe.

Am I good leader? I try to be and I do try to follow the principles of good leadership. Sometimes I get it wrong but the lesson I’ve learnt is I’m human and human’s make mistakes! What we learn from those mistakes and how we try to ensure we don’t repeat those mistakes is what matter. Doing the right thing and thinking about the needs of each individual within your team is important because if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more then you are a leader.

Keeping life simple – the advice of a tree!

Keeping life simple – the advice of a tree!

Can life be simple or do we complicate it?

Think of a tree, most stand for years and years, they lead a simple life requiring water and sunshine. If a tree were on some TV chat show what advice would it give? Perhaps it would be ~ stand tall and proud ~ go out on a limb ~ remember your roots ~ drink plenty of water ~ be content with your natural beauty and enjoy the view. Sounds like great advice to me.

What about the advice of the tree?

Stand tall and proud ~ so many people lack confidence yet what they do is admired by others? When we put pressure on ourselves, we complicate our lives. Anyone wanting to be successful in business needs to believe in themselves, focus on their goal and be proud of who they are and be proud of their journey. Where you start out does not determine your destination, anything is possible and when you see and believe that, you’ll achieve.

Go out on a limb ~ take chances, sure you have to plan and consider risks but you also have to take yourself out of your comfort zone, push your own boundaries. Growing up I was forever pushing boundaries and although back then it got me into heaps of trouble, I’ve come to realise that the lessons I learnt have given me the tools to help others in their lives. Successful people are always pushing boundaries, finding out how far they can go in any direction. Sometimes they fail but the destination is still success.

Remember your roots ~ there is a saying in Wales “you can take the girl out of Wales but you’ll never take the welsh out of the girl”. I’m proud of who I am and where I’ve come from but it wasn’t always the case. When I first moved to England I became aware of the differences and sometimes I felt like I didn’t belong. Over time I’ve become a ‘local’ and it’s a good feeling. However, my experience has made me even more aware of the need to make sure that the roots of the charity (my business) are firm. Too many people have a great business idea but it never goes anywhere because they forget to spend time making sure their roots are firm. Making sure the roots of your business are firm, will certainly keep life simple!

Drink plenty of water ~ without us there is no business so looking after ourselves is vital. Our bodies are mostly water and although we can lives without food, we can’t go without water. So we need to make sure that we look after our bodies. For me this is the biggest challenge, I constantly make time for everyone else except me! It complicates my life because I’m forever playing catch up, so the lesson for me today is to give myself time, likewise I pass this onto you because you are the central point of your business and it’ll help you keep life simple!

Be content with your natural beauty ~ beauty is not about the external package, it’s about what’s on the inside too and each one of us is beautiful. The challenge for the majority of us is believing this. The media today sets a standard which most of us never reach. Perfection does not exist so why keep striving for it. Happiness comes from within, so accept yourself, see your natural beauty because when you see it, so will others.

Enjoy the view ~ we all forget our own achievements in life. I recently sat down after what had a difficult day and reflected on my own life. I began writing a list of all the things I had done well in life. I was amazed! We all have the capacity to achieve and we all need to enjoy the view of those achievements.

Remember, everything in life is possible if you decide on it, plan for it, focus on it and go for it!

Keep life simple and start to follow the advice of a tree because when you do, life will be simple!

Your present situation is not your final destination because the best is yet to come!

Your present situation is not your final destination because the best is yet to come!

In fact we are the authors of our own life stories and just like any good ‘read’ our lives are filled with happy and sad events, times of laughter and times of struggle. For some the times of struggle are more than we can comprehend. I often think of people overcoming struggles as being like salmon swimming upstream. Are they going in the wrong direction or are they finding their own way.

I remember my Grandfather saying ” you’ve got to find your own way in life” and I used to think ‘what does he mean? I look back now and I realise that what he was really saying was, that I had to make choices that felt right. As it happens it’s sound advice but making choices about what felt right has also got me into trouble or not turned out the way I had hoped. I now use those negative experiences as stepping stones to something even better!

How many of us get pushed along dancing to someone else’s tune? This is different from guidance or advice because those offering you that do so out of a sense of care. Those pushing us along do so for their own reasons. This is why it’s important to have a firm plan and focus in business. In my experience being strategic is about three things:

1. Staying focused ~ know where your going, understand what the outcomes are but also recognise what they will actually look like. Too often we start in business and suddenly become vague about everything to do with that business. Are we vague in our personal lives? Of course not so why do it with our businesses? Be clear about what you are aiming to achieve, what you’re offering and how you are unique!

2. Seeing the bigger picture ~ this is more than being strategic focusing on the horizon, it’s about being able to see things from above. What makes our business different? Why should people choose us? What exactly are we offering? Strangely, I meet successful business people who seem unable to apply these principles to their personal lives?

3. Being able to assess the risk and manage success ~ this might seem odd but like anything in life, things unexpectedly happen! Things can go wrong, you can come up against an obstacle or things can become so successful, you’re swept along through success.

I’ve been on this very journey building HEALS (Help Empowerment And Local Support) and in my persoanl life too. There have been times I’ve doubted decisions, times when things have just seemed too far out of reach. There’ve also been other times when success has swept me along. It’s at these times I’ve had to apply the brakes, take a step back and reassess the direction. We should all do an assessment exercise in our business. I find it strange that people put together a business/strategic plan, write a governing document and then proceed to leave it on a shelf never to be looked at again. Then they wonder why it all goes/went wrong!

They’ve forgotten one important thing and that is their present situation is not their destination because their best is yet to come!

“Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. Never regret. If it’s good it’s wonderful, if it’s bad it’s experience.”

“Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. Never regret. If it’s good it’s wonderful, if it’s bad it’s experience.”

Over the years I’ve met a number of individuals who seem unable to move their lives forward because of their mistakes or something that went wrong or because something they had no control over has made them feel inadequate. The truth is it’s life, everyone faces these situations at sometime or other.

No-one is perfect and until we accept and learn to love ourselves for who we are, moving forward for some will remain an uphill struggle.

So how is it some people do and become successful? What sets those people apart is the ability to learn from every situation whether they be positive or negative.

There have been a number of times in my life when I’ve felt that was it, I couldn’t go on and I couldn’t see how I’d ever get back up but I did. I look at my life today and realise that I’m more resilient than I thought I was. I could have accepted the stereotypical ‘label’ placed on me by society – I was a single mother therefore, I wasn’t going to succeed and neither were my children. For many years this is what I expected and this is what I got! I now realise that whatever you strive for you can achieve but you have to be motivated, want it, see it and plan for it. You may not reach it the first time but you will achieve and you will be successful.

I am always amazed when I speak to successful people because the result isn’t always what they expected, in many cases it’s better! This is exactly how I feel! I knew I’d be doing the kind of work I do now but I didn’t think that starting and building a charity would be quite so exciting and rewarding.

Carrying your mistakes around with you weighs you down. I often liken it to Marley in the Dickens classic Scrooge. In death he carried around this huge chain, not being able to move forward. Carrying our mistakes is a bit like that too because we can end up carrying around our own invisable chain, which prevents us from being happy and it makes those around us unhappy too.

So, look at your own life and don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. Never regret. If it’s good it’s wonderful, if it’s bad it’s experience.

“The goal is not to have a great picture; the goal is to love the picture you have.” ~ Betsy Otter Thompson

The New Year came with hope for a better times and with joyus celebrations around the world. At least that’s the picture potrayed. The reality is somewhat different, there will be people facing fears, others may be looking at life changing decisions and others will face the year ahead not knowing or understanding the direction they should take. Perhaps this year we should look around us and reach out to those who are going to find things difficult because will help them in their time of need and giv us a reality check.

‘Some people are so lucky’ is a phrase I often hear but is this really true? Is life down to just luck and destiny? I believe we all have a destiny, a path in life that suits us as individuals. However, I also think that our choices and decisions also play a key part in influencing what we have and where we go.

The other focus in the New Year for everyone is health. Have you noticed the increased adverts about weight loss and keep fit? How many of us set resolutions to be thinner, healthier, run a marathon and by March or even February have given up? How many of us look at the ‘health’ of our business or charity? It’s important that we do, because a healthy organisation flourishes. I’ve witnessed businesses, charities and organisations clinging on by their fingertips rather than accept there are issues and try to address them.

Have we considered that our own health and that of our business or charity is linked? If you are unwell, unhappy, unfocused, have lost your drive or are lost, then it’s likely that your business or charity will be affected. So we need to be happy and fulfilled in what we do, otherwise what is the point?

We all need those who we can turn to in our ‘hour’ of need, those who can offer advice, help, encouragement and support. There’s lots of this out there if we look. Over the last few years ‘ve come across a number of business networks, groups and organisations and charities. The one that has helped me personally and professionally is I Am Woman ~ it’s a business club for women with a difference.

HEALSUK is striving to be a focal point of support for local HEALS charities and they in turn offer, help, encouragement and support to those in need who are willing to help themselves.

Those of us in businesses/charities look at the year ahead and will have already spent much of the latter part of 2013 being visionary about what should be achieved in 2014. Those who’ve set goals are more likely to succeed than those who leave it to luck.

Whatever we do in life, we should set out and aim to do it the best way we can and to be the best we can. It isn’t just about shouting “look at me and what I do”, it’s about being SMART about the goals we set and setting goals is about much more than just writing down targets. It’s about sticking to our values too. Do your personal and professional values aline with those in your business/charity? If not why not? Why accept things and standards in our worklife that we wouldn’t in our private life?

Some people seem to find goal setting difficult. I know for me, setting personal goals is much more difficult than setting goals for my business/charity but my personal and professional values are alined which is good news. Other people get caught up and focused on needing to be accepted and they slip into changing their values, their business model and objectives just to ‘fit in’ . Will they succeed – it’s unlikely!

Be SMART (Specific ~ Measurable ~ Attainable ~ Realistic and Timely) with your goals and set them so that the tasks to achieve them, require you to put in work because “the goal is not to have a great picture; the goal is to love the picture you have.”

Brand ~ what does our brand say about us and what we do?

Brand is much more than a name, its a unique design or symbol and our brand is our public face. So ownership of our brand is important.

However, before we even get to the stage of ‘agreeing’ our brand we need to determine:

  • the image we want ~ considering our ‘target market’ is important because our brand gives a promise of experience and an assurance to those we work with and those we want to support us.
  • what makes us unique ~ why should people come to us, buy from us/access our services, work with us or support us? It’s a competitive market place out there!
  • what are our values ~ we all have values in our personal lives, they are what drives us and businesses/charities are no different. If we were to list our life and business values and choose the top three of each, how many would be the same? If not, why not? Are our personal and business lives in conflict with each other?
  • we need to be committed and believe in what we do ~ people buy from people, so if you believe in your product/service (and that ‘passion’ shines through) then it’s likely they’ll want what we have.

Brand is important and in helping everyone understand what we do, we need to build recognition. We can all think of businesses and charities that are instantly recognisable. At Christmas, many retail businesses invest huge amounts of money into campains and adverts to help us ‘persuade us’ to spend our money. It’s a fact that people or customers build habits, they like the safety of that.

At HEALS we’ve been considering all this. We started out with an idea but for a while (like many new businesses or charities) we drifted from one event/project to the next. Along the way there were great successes and lessons to be learnt. Everyone needs to go through this process, as all the successful people in business know.

Now we have something really unique ~ how do we know? Others are interested in what we are doing, we’ve had endorsements at Westminister, there’s interest in Wales, other towns and our partners (local and national) are telling us too. Our brand has changed from a ‘free’ symbol to something that still shows who we are but demonstrates that we are competant, committed and passionate. Our core values remain, to help people help themselves and everyone involved with HEALS from grassroots to the top shares these values. That in itself makes us unique!

2014 is going to be an interesting year, a time of hard work, making our organisation’s foundations and structure stronger and inviting others to join us, work with us and support us.

What does your brand say about you and your business/charity? Does it convey your message? Does everyone understand your values and can you honestly that everyone involved in your business shares these?