Walking in my shoes!

What does this mean? In the business club I belong to [I Am Woman] every franchise launch starts with a ‘Walking in my shoes’ evening, where women in business come and share their own story. Why? In sharing their own story, others in the room can be inspired but more importantly it’s so others can learn from their journey.

I’ve certainly learnt that the one thing they all have in common is the fact that they’ve had challenges to overcome. Maybe their first business ideas failed, perhaps it was external factors like recession or business costs, it might be what’s been written or said about them that’s knocked them or something else. What they all seem to have in common is the drive to make their vision a reality and success.

Working with those in times of need is about understanding, listening and importantly being able to ‘walk in their shoes’. It’s about helping them understand that negatives in life are just ‘positives turned inside out’ and by turning them back, we can transform those negatives into great positives. We can all learn something from someone else’s journey.

Before we form an opinion about others, let’s remember we’ve all had challenges and issues to overcome and we all have the ability to move forward positively. We also have the ability to do something for others. Whenever I take my own children home to Wales we see people homeless and living on the streets. I remember a couple of years ago seeing a young man in despair. I took my girls to the local shop and burger bar where we bought him two cups of hot tea, two burgers and some other food and water for later. When we gave it to him, he took my hand looked me in the eye and said thank you. I will never forget the way he said it or the look in his eyes. I apologized I couldn’t do more, I wish I could have. At the time I was feeling at a low point in my own life, I learnt from the experience that day that I had so many positives to be thankful for. I hope I showed that young man that kindness exists.

My friend likens life to a game of pontoon because life is as much about the ‘card we are dealt’ and how we ‘play’ that card. She says that we must believe life offers so much more. Some things in life we can control and some we can’t. The most powerful thing we can control is ourselves, so as long as we’re true and honest with ourselves, this is what we will radiate to others.

It’s important to be able to at least try and understand the shoes of those we meet, help, encourage and support and it’s important to learn from each of our own challenges because then we can truly begin to make a difference.

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