Wills Friends – The Impossible Dream

Wills Friends is a charitable project which has been over a year in the making. At times its felt like it would never happen, but now there’s no going back now, we’re on the way !!

I’ve been inspired by the words of encouragement and the support myself, Will’s parents and the Heals team have had for this work. I’m amazed that we’ve sold 200 balloons, let’s hope we reach another 100 by our cut off day – 1st September 2013. Plans for our charity gig are progressing well too and you can feel the buzz in the air.

Recently, I’ve been watching a TV programme about Britain in 1949. I’ve been surprised to find that back then much was done to help people with disabilities into work. For me, we can learn a lot from the actions and ethos of the day. I guess, however, even then hidden disabilities were not recognized. Even today parents struggle to get a diagnosis. Is it any wonder that some parents, find it so overwhelming that the mountain just seems too high to climb. 

We purport to understand disabilities, we say what an inclusive society we are, we learn about equality and diversity in schools and we even have legislation to protect those disabilities. Why then do we not encourage those with hidden disabilities to use their talents in our community and the workplace.

Will was one example of this. At home he was loved and supported, during his time at special school he achieved. He went to college and approached every new opportunity with enthusiasm. When he said “I want to join the army” someone should have stepped in and explained why that couldn’t be. Someone, anyone should have shown this young man his unique talents, given him realistic choices, inspired him but no-one did. He was left to follow a dream and at the end he was told that his dream would never be. Will was given false hope. Instead of encouraging, he was discouraged, he never realized his own potential and now he never will.

Together and through Wills Friends we can change this, we can do this and change lives.

I’m proud that Heals is an organisation that truly includes everyone. Members within our team have overcome much in their individual lives and can share this within the team. This means that Heals as an organisation can truly understand the struggles, those we help, encourage and support face.

As I prepare for the day, I look forward to a lunch meeting which I hope will also add value to this project. Creating is something I enjoy but seeing achievements through this project will be the single thing that’ll make it worthwhile. I hope that Will is proud of what we are doing in his memory and to make a real difference.

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