The way to happiness!

Why is it that many of us go through life seeking the approval of others? Do we really need the approval of others to be happy? Of course we don’t! So why do it?

We all face heartache, disaster, life changes and losing loved ones, I know I’ve faced these too. At times I thought I’d never be able to go on but I got up and moved forward.

I’m often amazed at those who seek a partner who will ‘make them happy!’ Whenever I hear this I want to say, “expecting someone else to make you happy, is setting them up to fail” because happiness comes from within yourself. If you are content and happy, then you’ll attract others who are happy too.

We talk of finding happiness yet it’s there if we choose it. The way to happiness is to:

Believe in yourself – every one of us is unique, we all have things we’re good at and things we’re not so good at. There’ll be things we need to learn or improve. Being happy is understanding and learning to live and love who we are. Be confident in what you bring to the party of life!

Be kind to others – if you can do one act of kindness every day you’ll find that the happiness follows you. ‘Whatever you give out comes back to you twofold’ was the message my late Nan used to say and she was right. Making others happy gives a feeling of wellbeing that is so amazing, it can’t be put into words. This is why I’m Manager of HEALS!

Live by your values – set yourself values in your personal and professional lives. Don’t let others try to move or distract you from these values because if you live by these, you’ll be a shining example to others.

Reach for your dreams – remember that even those we consider as successful haven’t always been so. What sets them apart is the tenacity to get back up after each knockback. Newsflash! – everyone has knockbacks and challenges to face, so set yourself apart and face them head on!

Always think positively – every situation we face, be it our personal or professional life is a gift, even the low times! The challenge is finding and recognising this and that’s not easy to do. I’ve found myself facing challenges that I thought could never be solved but they were and I did! When this happens it helps us develop and it enriches our lives.

Keep your head high – the advert says ‘because you’re worth it’ and this is right. No-one has more worth than another! So no matter what keep your head high and show the world that you’re a winner and that you’re worth it too.

Being happy in life is essential for your own wellbeing both personally and professionally life – so start today to find the way to happiness.

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