Marmite Life !!!

I happen to like marmite, in fact growing up I remember my Mum always had a jar in the cupboard. My Nan used to say that it was an acquired taste because you either loved it or hated it.

I guess in a way I’m like marmite! People either like me or they don’t! Does it matter if they don’t? Not at all, we can’t like everybody and neither can we be friends with everyone even though some people pretend otherwise and those ‘fake’ people get found out sooner or later!

Imagine how boring the world would be without the ‘marmite’ people in it?

It seems that whatever I’ve done or not done I was meant to think about how others think! Did it matter what others think? The truthful answer is yes but only to some degree and only in some situations. Everyone develops an opinion about everybody and of course everybody is allowed their opinion, its how they use their opinion that counts. If it’s used in a negative way it can become totally destructive to others and it certainly makes no one any happier!

In later years I’ve come to realize that being me makes me far happier than trying to please everyone else. No matter how hard you try there’s always going to be someone wanting to knock you down, criticize or have an opinion! Being true to yourself, acceptance and learning to love yourself is probably one of the hardest lessons we learn and keep learning. Even now there are times when my lack of confidence floats to the surface and in these times those near to me remind me to be me. They obviously like marmite too!

For every person who takes issue there are loads more who seem to like marmite and in most instances it says more about them than it does about me. In thinking this way I’ve come to feel sorry for those who want to knock others down because their lives are filled with sadness.

So my view is that this my life! I’m marmite if you like me great and if not, remember that variety is more interesting! And I’m a limited edition!

This blog was written as part of the I Am Woman 30 day blogging challenge.

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