HEALS – a vision for the future – the challenges we face


Life without a vision or a goal is a life with no direction! We all need direction, otherwise we just keep wandering around aimlessly without ever achieving anything!

Too many people are reactive, they’re ‘running down the road chasing the horse that’s bolted!’ when what they should have done is figured how to keep the horse happy and in the stable beforehand!

Knowing what you want to achieve and figuring out how you’re going to get there is merely the start.

At HEALS we’re embarking on our main vision for the future and will be focusing on four main projects: Helping Hands, CLASS, Will’s Friends and Communitybiz. Although each project is different aspects of each do link them, in one way or another. What they have in common is that they are all about:


Okay, we have the goal, the vision but what do we need to get there?

In many ways answering this question is probably the most difficult and certainly for HEALS it’s no different! What are the key things we need to find to be able to realize our vision of being a charity with a difference?  Firstly we need four strong Trustees to complete our Board, those with vision, leadership, empathy a passion for helping others achieve, those who can help us fly  and a good business acumen. Now there’s a challenge in itself!

We also need volunteers and of course HEALS groups to develop and grow our network.

Our biggest challenge by far is getting investment and funding. We like many other organisations do fundraising but we need much more than the usual £200 to £500 we raise each time. What we really need to make our vision a reality, is £50,000 at least!

Challenges, challenges, this is one that requires partnership, teamwork and a strong plan!

What is the best way to plan? There are so many approaches to use, I’ve heard of the ‘thong’ approach to business planning but I think for HEALS the ‘Tree’ is going to be the best since the vision includes many branches. Part of our plan is to get sponsorship of at least £1,000 and of course getting fifty sponsors, is going to be another mammoth challenge!

It seems that life whether personal or business is about challenge and overcoming them. Certainly my own life has been a series of challenges, so you’d think having overcome a fair few challenges myself, I’d be the one to overcome the big challenge of getting the £50,000!

So it’s on-wards and up-wards and if nothing else we’ll give this our best shot. We have so many people in the community in need counting on us, so no pressure! If we struggle maybe I’ll try and find David Copperfield after all he is the magic man!

Yes our vision is more than a picture of what could be it’s our opportunity to be something more!

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