Giving yourself a voice!

As babies we’re encouraged to talk, then as children we’re told to be quiet  when we ask questions. As teenagers we’re encouraged to begin to have an opinion and then we’re told what we think doesn’t matter because we have to do as we are told. How is it then that we ever ‘fly’? How do we master the art of communication and getting our message across? How do we find our voice?

I spent much of my childhood talking, my teenage years ignoring my parents and have continued to be able to talk the hind legs off any donkey! So I can talk but does that mean I can communicate my message in the business and charity world? Communication is about so much more than the spoken word and in the times we live in, people want you to get your message across instantly. The pace of the world today is fast!

In business, I’ve heard people talk about brand or branding and of course it’s important because our ‘brand’ is probably the one thing people see before they even meet us. However, no matter what our business is whether it be a sole trader, entrepreneur, corporate or charity, the bottom line is we are our brand! If people buy or engage with us in what we do, they do so because they know us and trust us. Ask any successful person and they’ll tell you that this is true. Trust is important, our partners, clients, employees, volunteers and the community at large needs to know that they can trust us to be good to our word and deliver!

I’m finding getting my message across in my new professional website challenging. If I Include everything I’ve ever done it’ll end up with pages and pages and is anyone really going to look? Besides, I can’t hide even if I wanted to because my life is there on Google, for all to see! So I have to put myself in the shoes of the individuals who are likely to take a look and make sure the right message gets out there. A message that will show them I’m the person they need to work with.

At HEALS we’ve struggled with getting our message out there to attract partners, funding, supporters, individuals to help, volunteers, Trustees and of course people to come along to our events. The signs are looking good and we’ve had a lot of interest from around the UK about our work. Many of those inquiring about what we do, are those who see that our ‘model’ works and want to develop this. However, it’s not always easy getting an organisation off the ground. In just two years, we’ve been able to have a significant impact, which our awards demonstrate. So clearly, the HEALS approach is going “where no organisation has gone before.”


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