No is not the answer !!!

As babies and young children the word we probably get a grasp of the meaning of most is the word no! I mean we hear it often enough! What we don’t appreciate at the time is that its said to protect us from harm because as young children we’re not capable of determining what could hurt us.

As adults we determine our own course and we must also meet life’s challenges. Nothing in life is easy. My Nan used to say the things we appreciate the most are those we’ve worked the hardest to get. I’ve noticed that when we’re faced with what seems like an impossible task, some people give up and move onto the next thing! They believe no is the answer!

Not me! I believe don’t believe in no! Those who know me well, know that this attitude has sometimes tripped me up in life but I’m still as tenacious as ever. Passion, tenacity and a belief in what I do is what drives me.

We should all believe in ourselves, our business, where we’re going and why. It’s no different at the moment for me at HEALS. We’re about to do a huge exhibition and launch event and our ‘impossible task’ is to get sponsorship funding.

I was relating to two business colleagues the difficulties this task brings and how I was finding that one approach didn’t work in every situation. One colleague was very helpful and gave me lots of tips while the other said “nah, just move on”, I was dumbfounded as to why they’d think that.

I’m not giving up, I’m giving it my best shot !! I believe in what I’m doing and where I’m heading. HEALS is unique because it not only creates and gives individuals opportunities, we do what we can to help people to change their lives.

We’ve just appointed a young Editor and assistant Editor of our Magazine. We’re offering both these individuals, mentoring support, an opportunity to enhance their career paths, opportunities to network with people in business, a portfolio of work, experience and references. We aim to do that for everyone who volunteers. We’re even getting recognition from Government for what we aim to do !!

No is not the answer !! Tenacity, self belief, the support of my team, a love for what I do and knowing that we’re making a real difference are.

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