Are you a duck or a chicken in what you do?

Strange question you might think and I thought the same until I had it explained to me recently by a fabulous lady Marianne Pettifor.

If you’re a duck you keep quiet when you ‘lay an egg’ ~ in real terms this means you’re keeping your achievements under wraps. How on earth do you expect anyone to engage with you if you’re quiet? How can they understand what you do or build a rapport with you?

In a charity like HEALS its exactly the same. Although the work we do is under the radar, quiet and confidential as an organisation we’re not quiet. HEALS is like a chicken! We cluck all over the farmyard when we ‘lay an egg’!

Some see this as showing off, it isn’t, its passion. We are passionate and believe in what our charity offers. We want partners to work with us, funders to fund us, people to support us and most importantly people to engage with us, so staying quiet is not an option.

Think of all the successful people in the world, are any of them ducks? If you look at them they are chickens because its only by being chickens do any of us know what they do and what they offer.

HEALS aims to take life’s ducks and help them realize their worth, see their vision and help them make this a reality. Their success is what makes us successful. Although we’re clucking about our work, we’ve not lost sight of the fact that its not about us, it’s about what we can offer and what we can do in partnership with people to help them realize their potential.

So today ask yourself am I going to be a duck or a chicken?

Many thanks to Marianne for leading the way:



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